Asking Girls Out
Back in the nineties, us men had to get over our insecurities and just make a fool of ourselves when it came to asking girls out. I remember a time when my friends told me to just suck it up and walk up to that kiosk girl, ask her out, it’s a 50/50 shot they’d say. I remember that embarrassing moment when your girl crush sees you stumbling towards her. Most of the time, the girl see you coming a mile away. But most guys have no idea, so we hope and pray as we walk into the danger zone to shoot our shot.
The Danger Zone
Once you get ten feet from the girl, it may feel like an impossible task. Your eyes wander all over the place. You can’t keep eye contact because you’re nervous. You have dozens of scenarios playing through your head. You’re thinking about things to say. You’re coming up with the play-by-plays, the intros you want to make, and how you should act.
The First Contact
So you’ve manager to get two feet from her. Now the hard part begins. Coming up with the first words to say out of the dozens of scenarios you’ve played out in your head. You try to say something simple and cool. All you could muster up was one stupid word, “Hey!” You shot your first shot and you’ve failed. The girl looks at you awkwardly and throws the same word back at you.
Don’t Get Discouraged
At this point you have two choices, “Fight or Flight”. If you chose to “Fight”, then you’re already thinking like a 90’s man. You just need to make a connection somehow. Does she know anyone you know? The hardest part is to get a conversation started. The rest is just small talk. Make it simple and quick, grab her number and get the hell out of there.
It’s in the Numbers
Your first is always the most memorable and most devastating when you fail. However, as a man living in the 90’s and having to approach girls in real life, it was just something every man had to go through. It was a rights of passage. I’m not going to say the first ten was easy but after that it gets a lot easier. The one thing I would say is guys talking to girls in the 90’s was a lot easier than guys talking to girls today. There was no distraction and you could easily gage whether you had a chance right away. It was a much simpler time.